This hack enables Jsitemap to crawl to all your K2 Simple Image Gallery photos, and gives your image crawling an amazing boost
SMACK it Blog
Jsitemap K2 SIG Gallery hack
Jsitemap K2 SIG Gallery hack
Blog geschreven door Pieter op 16 april
Jsitemap, een grandioze aanvulling voor Joomla hebben we laatst aangeschaft. Al snel kwamen we er achter dat de images uit de gallery niet werken toegevoegd aan de imagesitemap. Hier is een hack om jouw images allemaal aan Google te kunnen toevoegen! (geschreven in engels)
This hack enables Jsitemap to crawl to all your K2 Simple Image Gallery photos, and gives your image crawling an amazing boost
/plugins/content/jw_sigpro/jw_sigpro/tmpl/YOURSIGTEMPLATE/default.php (check the SIG settings for Layout template for image galleries)
find (around line 24)
<img class="sigProImg" src="/%3C?php_echo_%24transparent%3B_%3F%3E=" alt="<?php echo JText::_('JW_SIGP_LABELS_08').' '.$photo->filename; ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_('JW_SIGP_LABELS_08').' '.$photo->filename; ?>" style="width:<?php echo $photo->width; ?>px;height:<?php echo $photo->height; ?>px;background-image: url('/<?php echo $photo->thumbImageFilePath; ?>');" />
<img alt="<?php echo JText::_(‘YOUR_SITE_NAME').' '.$photo->captionTitle; ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_(‘YOUR_SITE_NAME').' '.$photo->captionTitle; ?>" class="sigProImg" src="/%3C?php_echo_%24photo-%3EthumbImageFilePath%3B_%3F%3E=" style="width:<?php echo $photo->width; ?>px;height:<?php echo $photo->height; ?>px;" />
change "Title description for images sitemap" in Sitemap settings from Auto to Alt.
all images in the SIG pro will be indexed by Google as: YOUR_SITE_NAME TITLE
- Remember to give your images a unique name, you don’t want all your images to be indexed as “Title”
- This hack will probably be deleted after SIG upgrades
- We are not responsible for any damage using this hack, it is not tested for security nor the security and working of the K2 core, and 3rd party compo's
Pieter Bos
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K2 Hide Specific field hack
16 april
zet in je tag.php
<?php $extrafields = json_decode($item->extra_fields);?> <?php foreach($extrafields as $key=>$value): ?> <?php if($extrafields[$key]->id == 'XX'&&$extrafields[$key]->value!=''): ?> <span class="pricetag"><?php echo $extrafields[$key]->value; ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <?php endforeach; ?>
verwijs XX naar het ID nummer van je extra field.:
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